Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Long Days...

So first of all, I'd like to say sorry for al who are reading this if I make grammar/spelling errors. I know I will and I'm usually real tired when I get on here (ex: it is 2:22 a.m. my time.. oops)
but anyways thats not very important.

This past weekend I also went to Rotterdam and Brussels. The night life in Rotterdam is amazing! There are so many people that come to the main square for the night and music is playing everywhere and it was a very festive scene, I loved it. I also loved the free toilets they had in the middle of the square. Going to the bathroom for free here isn't easy to come by.
That night, we stayed in a hostel for 120 people and that was kind of scary at first, but when sleep time came, I decided I liked this giant hostel alot more than the hostel in Amsterdam with 2 strangers in the room. I was also in the bunk between and below other Baylor people. It was like a big sleep over. with a bunch of people I didn't know... The next morning came fast. We didn't get to eat the free breakast because we woke up RIGHT before we had to leave.

But we got out of there, and went to explore this city. It was much more like Dallas and I liked that. (I thought it was funny that Rotterdam is also known as the ugliest city in the netherlands). There wasn't too much to do there, bu we went to the euromast which is a huge tower with an observation tower. We went up and saw the whole city. The city is a port city and I thought it was beautiful, I do love the ocean.

after the observation tower, we walked 45 minutes back to the train station. We made a pitstop at subway, and I bring this up to mention how different everything is here. All there kinds of chips and drinks are different, and even the types of breads were different. I also thought it was funny that they sold "Coffie and American Donuts" for breakfast. I never knew donuts were an american thing...

we got on the train to Brussels and we there in no time and this part of the trip got interesting, and slightly frustrating, right away!

but that's a VERY long story SO I'll save that one before tomorrow.

As far as my classes go, these are my favorite classes that I have taken so far! It's so awesome how interrelated they all are and how in every class, we talk about the same thing from a different perspective. It's really cool, but the workload is so intense! We only have like.. 24 classes left in the whole semester. I think this semesters a little longer than summer school but im taking 5 courses. I have so much reading to do all the time and I feel like I'm always behind. Another plus about being here for school is being around all pre-med students. Not saying other students dont work as hard because I have no idea, but I do know pre-med students (Serious ones at least) work there butt off day in and day out. Since you had to be accepted into this program, every single student is here to work hard and get A's. That makes it easier when it comes to studying. Everyone makes sure everyone does there stuff. Its a good system.

But on that not, I still have a little more pathophys to read before our quiz tomorrow and its almost 240 and i got be at mandatory breakfast at 730. So I'm gonna wrap it up here for tonight but I'll blog again tomorrow...

goodnight :)

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